r/WhereDoIStart - Just saw an interpretation of lyrics to a song you just found out about and liked? Want to listen to more of that band but don't know where do start? This is a subreddit for recommendations as to where you start with that band. This way you can start the discussion in the right direction. Be sure to make a guess in a self post as to what you think is going on. You can include just a snippet that is confusing you, but if you do, it is still encouraged to provide a link to complete lyrics and perhaps a youtube video for the song.Ħ) Start with your own interpretation Don't just make a post and leave it. PLEASE READ THE SIDEBAR BEFORE SUBMITTING Rules:ġ) Use the search bar! Unless your song doesnt appear in your search results, there is no need to re-submit as peoples interpretations will most likely be the same.Ģ) Serious submissions/songs only We want this to be a discussion thriving subreddit, please do not compromise this with immaturity.ģ) Upvote interpretations that you like/agree with Unless it's an obvious troll, or otherwise completely insensible, do not downvote interpretations you do not like.Ĥ) When creating a new post, include the title of the song along with the artist in the title of the submission For example: Let it Be - The Beatles.ĥ) Include the lyrics of the song in the description You do not have to include the entire song lyrics.